Nov 9, 2010

Introducing 'Another's Perspective'


So. I have decided to copy a friend of mine who also has a blog. [yes, I have her permission!] so what am I copying her by doing? Well, she has started to post what she calls ‘guest posts’ and thinks that she will post one every fortnight or so. I decided that I needed a name all my own for it, and this is what I came up with: another’s perspective. I will be posting ‘Another’s Perspective’ on the first of each month, if at all possible. At the very least, the first week of each month. If you would like to write one, or know someone that is a good writer that you think might like to write one, please leave a comment below, and I will try my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Also, I am ok with keeping the posts anonymous, or, if you prefer, with your name at the end. Completely up to you, but I will do my best to keep your privacy private. One last thing, it doesn’t necessarily have to be anything in particular, it could be a poem, some random thoughts you put down on paper, a short story… the sky is the limit, use your imagination! And if I don’t like something about it I will let you know, so don’t worry about that. I love proof reading. 

I know that we are already into the second week of November, but I really wanted to post the first one right away, because it is a poem called, simply, October Day, and posting a poem by that name in December wouldn’t quite seem right, don’t you think? The person who wrote it is a VERY good friend of mine, and likes to protest that she isn’t a good writer, but I think that she is VERY talented. I would appreciate it if you guys supported my opinion, just to prove to her that she IS good. :D. here it is;

Turn my head to the side
the beauty flows from the earth
golden leaves floating down
smiling for all it's worth

grass is rustling in the breeze
a dog running far away
sunlight streaming from the sky
just a bright October day

strolling through the trees
through that dark aclove
crunching the leaves all red
and black, orange and mauve

night will fall when I return
slinking back through
stars will paint the sky
nature, me and thoughts of you 

Well, what do you think? Good, no? :D I knew that you would agree ;) hehee. 

This week or next week I will hopefully be posting some pictures that I have taken up here. Today it was fascinating. When I looked out of the patio door out over the lake it was as if the earth dropped off right after the first few trees. It looked so neat! It was actually very foggy, but if you looked out all you could see was the trees closest to you , and then just empty whiteness. I tried to capture it, but it was very hard, the fog made it look very blurry when up on the screen. Anyways, I’ll post them later on. 

I would like to include a link today, the link to my friend-that-I-copied-with-the-whole-guest-post-thing’s blog.  Please read and enjoy!! 

Heather aka Violet Moonbeam

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