Nov 2, 2012

Food for Thought

The other day I was uttering a quick prayer and I said to God, “Do what You think is best”
And it just got me to thinking, I know it’s a phrase, a way of us giving the matter up to God, but honestly how do we think we could ever sway God in His pre-determined plans? And I know there are all sorts of people who believe so much in the power of prayer, and I would count myself as one of them, but do we really have any weight at all? I mean, if everything that happens really is predetermined from the beginning of time, then why do we still think we have free will? Why do we, tinier than specs of dust in God’s eyes, think that we are so important and what’s going on in our lives and our world is so important when in comparison with eternity, what does it even matter? I’m not saying we should all become bums and live on the streets and do absolutely nothing, but I do think we should honestly and truthfully look at our priorities in life and ask ourselves to what greater end these priorities lead us.
Now I’m not saying that we should become extremists, I’m simply saying that maybe we should be a little bit more prudent in our daily decisions. And don’t get me wrong, I am not in any way trying to preach at you, because if I were you could tell me to practice what I preach before telling other people to do it as well, I’m merely suggesting that perhaps we should think about it.
That’s all…