Aug 5, 2010

Diets, Cousins, Love, Shopping, Retainers, Yellow Polka Dot Bikinis...

So you are probably wondering what is with the totally random title? Well, you see, my brain is very random. And I could give you examples, but that would probably bore you. However, if you insist... hmm... I might... no promises! ;) hehe

well, first things first! DIETS

I am currently on a diet with my dear Mommy, and we are determined to keep it interesting. So we started yesterday, and I made a stir fry with fried ham on the side, and my mom liked it, so so far so good. Today we went grocery shopping and bought a bunch of things that are better for us. Good start! :) I am aiming to lose 10 - 15 pounds and mom is aiming to lose about 20 I think... Tomorrow morning breakfast ~ bacon and eggs with cheese, lunch ~ awesome stir fry with all the wonderful things we got today, and supper ~ idk. that's up to mom. :D I certainly hope that I can lose some weight! 

second things second! COUSINS

technically just one. My cousin Willy is coming to stay for a while on Saturday. I'm actually pretty excited. [Will, if you're reading this, I was joking ;)] He is superbly tall, has redish hair and blue eyes and we have the best fun eva having verbal fights, tickling wars [he always wins those :(] and horsing around like... well like... um.. I don't know. Just horsing around. :D lol So yea! he is moving here from Ottawa because he is going to be working with my brother. That means that our food supply will suddenly drop to ZERO because he eats more than a horse! Oh well, I suppose that will be good for my diet ;) 

Are third things still third?? LOVE

what can I say about love? Love is hard to explain. I think that I will just post a few quotes about it.


     LOVE: We think about it, Sing about it, Dream about it && Loose sleep worrying about it. When we don't know we have it, we search for it. When we discover it, we don't know what to do with it. When we have it, we fear loosing it. It is the constant source of pleasure and pain. But we don't know which it will be from one moment to the next. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define && IMPOSSIBLE to live without.

  • love is like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in it's 

  • Everyone says love hurts, but that isn't true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt.

    Fourth things... yea ok! we get it!! ;) SHOPPING
    I really need to control my shopping. Well I suppose technically I need to control my spending. Anyway. This one will be short. It will consist of one question. How does a person stop spending so much?

    Fifthly: RETAINERS
    yes, the thing that comes after braces and makes you wish your teeth would just stay straight with out ant help. I was happy to get my braces off, but now... Let's just say that it's a lot easier not having to pop something in and out of your mouth constantly. [that is if you eat constantly :P] no but really. you take it out. you eat. you clear your mouth of food debris. you put it back in. a little while later you repeat the process. Oh well. I'll live. Enough with the complaining, Heather! tsk tsk. :D

    Sixthly: POLKA DOT BIKINIS?!?
    ok so you are probably now thinking... what in the world?!?! well... I don't really have anything to say about them, I just felt like making it part of the title to make ppl wonder :D jokes on you!!! :D :D rofl... uh oh. now I'm dizzy :S hehe

    anyway, that is my random post! I decided that I should do more posts but I tend to be completely clueless when it comes to topics to do them on. So please, if you are reading this... give me a hint! What do YOU want to hear about? Because it most likely isn't itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikinis! 


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