Oct 26, 2011

Hey everyone
First of all, sorry for neglecting you all. Yes, I realize that it is October,,, and I also realize that my last post was back in July. You know, that wonderful summer month that everyone who lives in a cold place is currently dreaming about... Also the month of my birthday. Speaking of which, I turned 16 this year. And on  August 2nd, two days after my birthday, mom and I drove down to north bay and I wrote my drivers test at 4:35, 25 minutes before the agency closes for the night... there was a sign on the door stating that in order to write your test you must show up one hour early. I explained my situation, how I had driven an hour to get here and it was only because of a wrong turn in our directions that we were late. They were wonderfully gracious and allowed me to write my test. 15 minutes later I walked out with official temporary papers stating I could drive as long as there was an adult driver possessing a full G licence with me. I was so happy I felt like I was skipping on clouds made of bouncy material. It was a good day. Anyways, that was a few months ago now, and I have been driving every chance I get, and am very proud to say that I learned to drive on a standard 5 speed car, and I’m getting very good at it :D
Oh, while I’m thinking about it, yesterday was the birthday of a beautiful, intelligent, amazing girl who just so happens to one of my best friends, Constance Turnbull. She turns 19 this year, very exciting! And I would just like to say thank-you to her, for always being there for me. For the late night [early morning?] talks online when we spoke of boys and houses and everything in between... remember the fun we had planning our dream house? With our fabulous plans for Tuesday nights... and our personal jet... the best part about me writing this is that no matter who reads this, they won’t guess the half of it :D  So thank you. So much, for everything you are... including an amazing poet who is pretty good at pretending she doesn’t know it... but if you had read any of her pieces you would know why I think she is so good at it :D I love you girl! Here’s to another wonderful year, and God’s richest blessings in the future. Oh, and don’t forget to give me your shoe size so that I can add to your crazy-amazing collection, all lined up along the wall. J
But of other things, I am constantly meeting and getting to know more and more people up here, and to be completely honest, although I really miss certain individuals who live down south, I really love it up here. This town is the perfect mi of everything. The people here are from all walks of life, and from all over the continent. But in the end, when everyone gets together for some social time and coffee, it’s the absolute perfect mix of complete looney bins, sweetheart old ladies, cool dude teenagers, humorous single women in their 30s, creepy old men that are always watching you, and absolutely everything in between. If I didn’t know for certain that absolutely nobody in Temagami read my blog, I could probably write entire posts on some people here, and some of the daily occurrences that make me laugh. And they would make you laugh, too, I’m sure... or roll your eyes in the least.
I have been working full time in my parents store still, and we have greatly enlarged our stock, having over 3,000 different items in our system. Of course since all of the summer residents have gone home things in temagami have really slowed down. I once heard someone say that in the fall it seems that the very sidewalks are swept off, rolled up and put away until spring. And it’s true, it really is. Temagami feels like a ghost town during the winter. Which, for us and all other business owners, means that business is extremely slow. However, if more residents here would come in and realize how much stock we have now and start supporting us by buying their groceries at Our Daily Bread, then maybe things would go better for us. Actually, because so many people didn’t realize how much we have grown since we first opened with next to nothing, this past Friday we had a open house, complete with free coffee and hot apple cider, as well as sample baked goodies from our instore bakery and 5 door prizes. It was a good day, a lot of people that hadn’t visited our store since it opened came in and enjoyed refreshments while sitting at a table by our coffee bar and chatted with each other. Many people commented on how great the store looks, how it is always very clean, and the shelves are nearly full, and very neat. All in all, it was a good day, and we just hope now that the people that came in on Friday will start buying all of their groceries here, and coming in more often.
Sadly I haven’t had as much time lately to take as many pictures as I used to. I still take a fair amount, but it’s not the same. However Sundays are a nice treat, since I have the entire day off, and between church services I like to go for long walks with my camera, and that partially makes up for my lack of photography during the week. However if I plan to study photography at a more professional level, I do need to broaden my portfolio. Does anyone need some pictures taken? J I’ve been looking into buying a new camera, but I don't know what one to get. Of course I have to have a camera with higher then 14.2 megapixels because my current camera is 14.2... and what is a new camera if it isn’t an upgrade? Anyways, I’ll have to see what kind of deal I can get on one of those new Pens. I do wish they were waterproof though.
Is it just me, or is high-school extremely dramatic? Just an observation that I’ve made... without even attending a high-school! I think that those four years have got to be the most drama-filled years of a teenagers life. Crazy. Oh, speaking of names for school, I especially liked what a friend of mine called it, a glorified babysitting facility :D [thank you, Katrina] I must say, I found that highly amusing. Ah, well, on to other things I suppose.
It’s raining to-day. I have always had mixed feelings about rain. On one hand I find it extremely depressing... and an excuse to curl up, blanket clad, in front of a fireplace with book in one hand and hot drink in the other.  I suppose the type of rainy day for that is the bone chilling cold ones when the sky is as grey as locomotive smoke without a hint of sunshine. The other type of rainy day is the comfortably warm ones during the summer when the skies open up and drop great drops of moisture onto our sun-kissed heads. That’s the perfect rainy day for dancing in the rain, and jumping into puddles, or, if you live by a lake, the perfect day for swimming in the rain. As a random side note, you can take the very coolest pictures with raindrops... I mean, think of the beautiful reflections portraying amazing scenes, all shown through a tiny little droplet of water fallen from the dreary sky.
Well I suppose I should get back to my school work now. I’ve been procrastinating nearly all day now. Not good, I know. My excuse is that I don’t understand it... any volunteer tutors around? ;)
Have a great night all!
Heather, aka Violet Moonbeam

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