Oct 26, 2010

a email I wrote...

This may sound strange but I kinda liked the wording I used in an email the other day. I felt like I actually put my thoughts into words. So I thought that I would share it with you guys. It's kinda a sad email, so don't expect the usual cheery hyperness. I am also posting a picture that I would like opinions on.

the email
a single tear  is worth a thousand feelings. But a single smile  is worth a thousand memories. on a lighter note, a single minute  of sleep  is worth a thousand seconds of stress. A single love  may last a lifetime, but a single heartbreak  can last a lifetime and a half. Love is hard to understand, and it creeps up on us when we are looking the other way or sleeping and suddenly our life is turned upside down as it goes on a steep back crawl roller coaster routine, and we close our eyes and look for something to rely on. Then we realize all we can do is hang on for the ride, and hope for the best. The heart plays tricks on us, and at time causes the single tear which at times turns to millions of tears over a single feeling. A single word, only two letters long, yet so powerful. No. This word leads to a question which consists of another word. A three letter word. Why? We never seem to know the answer, yet I read somewhere that everything will turn out right, and if it's not right yet, then it's not over yet. A single hug can transport so many feelings. love, friendship, comfort, joy, ecstasy. and so many others. I am sending a single hug your way. It is big. and long. and in it are so many feelings. understanding. comfort. a wish for strength. so many others that can't be put into words. So savour this hug, and I hope it brings you all you need right now. and know that I am thinking about you.

the picture.

well, that's all for now! Hopefully my next post will be more cheerful.

Heather aka VioletMoonbeam


  1. Me (sitting behind you in church)October 28, 2010 at 5:59 PM

    I like your blog, Miss Moonbeam! And you pictures are amazing! You've got talent with words and with photography.

  2. Thank you, Miss sitting-behind-you-in-church! :) See you on Sunday!
